Testimony Designs

Here is where you can create a product as a reminder of God’s faithfulness in your life.

The “why” behind the design.

When I was studying in the Old Testament about a year ago, God kept highlighting how much symbolism and representation of people were used to remind us of His promises and His faithfulness.

In Genesis chapter 9 verses 12-15, the rainbow is God’s reminder of His promise and covenant.

In Exodus 1, the midwives represented God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promise of Abraham having a nation of descendants. Even though Pharaoh was trying to have baby Hebrew boys killed, the midwives feared God and the baby Hebrew boys were saved.

Later on in Exodus 28 it talks about what the high priests need to wear as a reminder of God’s truth.

In Numbers 17, Aaron’s staff served as a reminder of God’s choice.

These are just a few examples. Overall, if you study throughout scripture especially the Old Testament, you’ll learn how forgetful the Israelites were of God’s faithfulness to them. We are so much like the Israelites and if we don’t write down or have something to symbolize the testimonies of God’s faithfulness in our lives, we can become forgetful.

Not only does the design on a product help you remember the testimony in your life but it can also be used as a way to share your testimony with others.

I have a ring with a cross that I wear with my wedding ring and wedding band. That ring symbolizes an incredible vision God gave me and I’d love to share it with you some day. Wearing it, has served as a constant reminder and also has created opportunities to share a testimony of God’s faithfulness in my life.

Step 1

Email or call Hannah and describe what you would like for a design as a reminder of the testimony you shared. It can be a scripture or symbol that was significant. If you aren’t sure, you and Hannah can brainstorm together a design.

Step 2

Hannah will create a design with the scripture or symbol that represents your testimony.

Step 3

Hannah will share the design and ask for your approval or feedback before getting the design printed onto a product of your choice, along with the cost.

Product Ideas





Water Bottles

Previous design examples used to create products…

Examples of designs made…


All prices do not include taxes and may vary slightly due to customization of product.

Prices do not include a design fee. Donations are a blessing but not required.


Feel free to enter your information here or email me if you’d like to begin the design process.


(360) 389-2672